Hi, Happy new year ! Ricky and I are going to have a realy great year and we want to share it with you.I know its been a long time since we've blogged but we've been busy.
We left Arizona quite quickly.I was not having fun.My dogs were having a hard time with the pokey grass stuff in their paws and their fur.it was difficult to go for walks or have fun. I had to take two of them to the vet for severe bites from creatures unknown.We asked to leave our duties and they were very kind and said yes.We left the next morning,but did take time to buy some beautiful pottery before we left.Just a small souvenier(300 pounds or so)We were headed east to an Airstream park in Georgia for the winter.We took I-10 in to southern Mew Mexico and then up to i-40.We were excited to go to Roswell New Mexico and were sadly dissapointed. Unless your looking for blowup aliens and fake alien poop in a can, don't feel bad if you just keep driving.We changed our minds about the road we wanted to take and got off the hiway. Texas has these very cool little free rv parks along the way.the parks department maintain them and they do ask for a donation.A #10.00 donation is a big difference to $78.00 a nite at tha KOA ! We dodged another tornado in Louisianna. I about had heart failure driving through Atlanta,and then.......We were finaly here. It was Thanksgiving Day about 5:00pm We rounded the bend and the sky lit up with 50 million twinkling lights!!!! All the rooftops were red and every inch of town was decorated like a swiss village at Christmas! There were at least six horsedrawn carraiges pulling people through town.The place was so full of people we could barely drive down the road. People were reaching up to pet Montana throught the window and Tia was barking and louie was just smilling at everyone.As we drove through town at 5 miles an hour we must have been a sight,our big silver bus was reflecting all the lights.People were pointing and waving all the way. This is a town I suggest you stop for at the holidays.Stay in one of the beautiful cabbins with a hot tub on the deck,eat good German food and do a little trinket shopping.Oh yah.. The name of the town is Hellen, Georgia.We bought a minivan and drove to N.Y for Christmas and had a great time. By February we had traveled again to Cleveland,Tn. We are 20 miles or so north east of Chattanooga.Now that its January we've been here almost a year. Imagine that ! We found aplace for rent all to ourselves, where the dogs run free,just 2 or 3 miles north of town.The only thing we dont like about the place is that we get very little sun because of the trees and hills surounding us.
In April Ricky and I started a small fleamarket bussiness. We sold lots of fun old housewares and our wine bottle lights.We had a great time and met alot of new friends.We closed up shop after Christmas because we will be working on new products and things around the bus that wont leave us enought time for the fleas. We bought another airstream in August. Its a 1974 Tradewind.We will completely gut it and create a one of a kind trailer to take to shows and antique trailer rallies. We bought all new floors for the bus and hope to have them in soon.We have done a bit of remodleing and will send new pictures when we are finnished. We moved Kiel down here over the summer. We bought him his own little place and he lives about150 feet to the left of us.He's working two jobs to keep afloat and seems to be managing. He got his first puppy and I named her Myla.She's a handful but is finaly starting to grasp potty training !!!!
I started a new website to sell my wine bottle lights and it is starting to catch on.I will be creating new things and working on enhancing my website this month. I would love for you to visit it.I need to get it up closer to the top of the list in GOOGLE and I wont pay to do it.I put a link over there so you can get to it.
Well, thats deffinetly not it but it gives you the just of it. We will be out doing some more traveling this year and lots of other fun things so I will start to blog more frequently.Thanks for listening and I wish all of you a great New Year!