Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thank heaven for good old boys with beers and 4 wheel drive fords !

A quick overview of Ricky's first "uh oh".  We were looking for a certain campground on the Rogue River, east of Gold Beach Oregon. We happened upon a different campground that looked cool. You just find a good spot on the now dried up river bed. Mind you, the river is still there,just receded about 50 yards. Everyone else was there. The most important thing we keep forgetting is that "they" are made of twigs and tape.We are made of oak and steel.As long as we were moving we were kinda ok. the minute we stopped to deliberate about where to go we started sinking alittle.Then we started to move and spun tires big time. This is where the good old boys with beers and 4 wheel drive fords come in. I'm sure they were having a great time watching us try to get out if only for a moment because we were smart enough not to dig ourselves a hole.Anyway..... cutting to the chase. They latched on to the back of Laverne, we gunned it,they pulled with all there might and we went up the boatramp backwards in a cloud of dust.YEEEHAAAWWW!!!!  They got a heros welcome back at their riverfront parking spot and we went back where we should have stayed anyway. New Yorkers, what are ya gonna do ?

1 comment:

Tammy Stein said...

You two are way too funny for words. I hope you are haveing a great time. Keep the notes coming. I love them Stein Family