Sunday, November 2, 2008
Rattle snakes,Gilla monsters and Scorpions..OH MY!
I'm sure everyones mother taught them that if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything.Right? Tucson,hummmmmm.What could I say about Tucson ? Oh screw it ! Anyone that new my mom would know that even though she taught us that lesson, she didn't always live by it.(specialy in restaraunts and the line at the cash register at AJ Wrights) TUCSON SUCKS!!!!!! IT's ugly,and everything is poisonus! There is no such thing as grass here. The ground is covered in brown prickery stuff that we can't let the dogs walk on 'cause it hurts their feet.Lizards crawl all over the trees. We kill moths day and night, endlessly. Do you know how annoying it is to have a moth fly around your face when it is 94 degrees and your trying to cook dinner in a big silver baked potato in the desert that has been sitting in the sun allday?????? Do you even have a clue???? Ok I'm done. That felt good. Don't be allarmed if you don't here from me for a few weeks. I probably wont blog again until after thanksgiving. I sure hope the Maccaroni Grille is open for Thanksgiving,'cause thats where I'll be !! LOVE TAMI
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A series of unfortunate events
Hi. We finally made it to Tucson ! After we left Colorado Springs we Headed for Durango Where we wanted to spend some time but the weather was really bad. cold and rainy so we just left and figured we would make it back there next time. It is 94 degrees here today. Needless to say, we are shut up indoors with the ac on.Being that itis the desert,the temperature drops like a rock the second the sun goes down. That is when we will again attempt to find the Costco and gather much needed supplies for the rest of the week. Our unfortunate events began in Co. Springs when we had to have new brakes for 1,300.00 . A rock hit our windshield in the painted desert and made a little chip. We stopped in Flagstaf to get it fixed and the guy made it worse and still made us pay 55.00 . It is now a ten inch crack with six little holes in it right in front of the drivers face. Next we lost all 12volt power in the bus and couldn't figure it out for two days.This meant that the TV antenna amplifier did not work. NO TV. The ceiling fan in the bedroom froze up and kept poppin' fuses. The fan is still not fixed. Next ,Ricky left the toilet water running on accident and we didn't notice it until it had filled the poop tank and the toilet and flooded the entire back end of the bus.For some reason, this also triggered a water pump valve to go that also caused headaches I'm not going to list.Ricky had a bright idea to hook up his little coleman cooker to the bus propane so we wouldn't have to buy anymore of those littlte tanks.Now,if your getting the picture yet, you would know that he broke the propane supply line to the bus.This means no cooking, no hot water.Cold showers.So.....last night we prepared to go for supplies to fix the bus and to have something to eat. We started to drive away and the steps wouldn't come in.Ricky tried for about an hour to fix them and couldn't so we said screw it we'll go tomorrow. Mind you,we had very little food on board.The best we could do for dinner was Ramen Pride noodles and Margaritas. Those margaritas hit the spot! Miraculously the steps worked fine when we got up this morning. Like nothing was wrong with them.We are considering this a gift from God.I guess we weren't supposed to leave yesterday. We have an hour and a half befor the sun goes down and we try again. Wish us luck.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Catching up.
Hi everyone.I've been sitting here trying to download some rodeo pictures and cant seem to get them in because of the poor internet reception I'm getting.So......You'll just have to listen. We are in Colorado Springs Visiting family.Thats mainly what we've been doing for several weeks now.After we left the big Pendleton , Oregon Roundup Rodeo we headed for Colorado. We stopped in the thriving metropolis of Rifle to see Toni and Doug and Susan(father and step mother). We went to the HotSprings pool a few times but not much else. Its Rifle,Colorado....theres realy nothing eles to do.Yesterday we went to Cripple Creek with my aunt GooGoo and lost our shirts at the slot machines.That was a bummer. Later that night we went to dinner with a long lost aunt and uncle from my fathers side.Uncle Don and Aunt Cathy Toft.We went to a great mexican restaraunt where girls in big pretty dresses did traditional mexican dances balancing candles on their heads.It was cool.We'll be here for a fwe more days because we need to get the bus brakes checked out befor we continue our journey through the Rocky mountains and it may take a few days to find somewhere to do the job.I'll try to get some pictures on in a day or two and let you know. We hope all is well for all of you and welcome to our blog,Greg Turner,Mike and Jackie and Don and Cathy !
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hi Camdyn and Camillah !
After the trip up and down the coast we pulled in to Boni and Cory's front yard and stayed a week.They have a beautiful piece of land far up in the clouds in Hillsboro,Oregon which is south west of Portland. They also have three very friendly dogs we fell in love with.Well, Ricky and I fell in love with,our dogs not so much.Oh yah, did I mention these two realy cute kids ? Most mornings they would show up at our door and come in and try on all of our hats and sunglasses and push every button and turn on and off every light. Millie would drive and say "ready guys" and we would say "ok" This would go on for about an hour. We enjoyed our stay and maybe next time we go Boni's business will be bought out for 3.7million and we can spend more time together.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thank heaven for good old boys with beers and 4 wheel drive fords !
A quick overview of Ricky's first "uh oh". We were looking for a certain campground on the Rogue River, east of Gold Beach Oregon. We happened upon a different campground that looked cool. You just find a good spot on the now dried up river bed. Mind you, the river is still there,just receded about 50 yards. Everyone else was there. The most important thing we keep forgetting is that "they" are made of twigs and tape.We are made of oak and steel.As long as we were moving we were kinda ok. the minute we stopped to deliberate about where to go we started sinking alittle.Then we started to move and spun tires big time. This is where the good old boys with beers and 4 wheel drive fords come in. I'm sure they were having a great time watching us try to get out if only for a moment because we were smart enough not to dig ourselves a hole.Anyway..... cutting to the chase. They latched on to the back of Laverne, we gunned it,they pulled with all there might and we went up the boatramp backwards in a cloud of dust.YEEEHAAAWWW!!!! They got a heros welcome back at their riverfront parking spot and we went back where we should have stayed anyway. New Yorkers, what are ya gonna do ?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Here we are in The Wenatchee National Forest,Washington. We are currently being held hostage by massive armys of unusualy large and fierce mosquitos. Our new plan.....never plan on staying longer than one night until the first night goes well.Anyway, it has afforded me time to learn how to watch the news and other shows I've been missing on the internet because on occasion, I do have internet and not T.V.I finaly saw The Hells Kitchen final episode today.What can I say about South Dakota ? I guess they don't call it the great plains for nothing.When about a 1/4 of the way through the state I read a map that said the population was approx.745000. i asked Ricky if that could be a typo because that is also the approx. size of the syracuse area.About 1/2 way through the state I realized it was true. There are truly no people there. Rapid City was a welcome sight as they have a Wallmart and we needed supplies. Oh yah, for those of you that dont know yet, I broke my foot while walking the dogs in Sioux City,Iowa.Its not severe,just the two small bones that are in front of or behind,if you will, the two smallest toes.It is getting better now, that was two and a half weeks ago. I can walk a little now.Ricky had to get me a wheelchair at Mt.Rushmore and Wall Drug. That was a bummer. He also has had to do all of the dog walking lately. thats alot of dog walking for one person.Speaking of Mt. Rushmore, we were a little dissapointed. call me unpatriotic thats ok. I was expecting to be wowed. It is much smaller than I had anticipated.I was feeling as duped as the two teenage girls standing in front of me kicking rocks and pulling on their bubble gum.Oh Well, I guess national Monuments aren't my thing.We headed out to Devils Tower,Wyoming in the morning trying not to get too enthusiastic so we didn't get let down again.I gotta tell ya,We rounded a bend and went "whooooaaahhhh". Its that cool.Its really big,strange colors,quite erie,and seems to have a dark presence about it.Large buzzard type birds fly around the top even.Ricky asked me if I wanted to stay at the campground there and I told him he was out of his mind.I wasn't even staying there after dark!! We enjoyed some awsome national Forests in Montana,oh yah,and spent way toomuch money at The Springs Bath House in Hot Springs,South Dakota.But after days of nothing but grass to look at the full body scrubs and massages made it all better.We are on to Seattle Washington for a while.We might stay a while so I dont know for sure when we will make it to your house Boni.I'll call you this weekend and keep you posted. Thats all for now,we miss you all and if anyones sees Kiel, give him a big kiss and hug for me.Love tami and ricky
Friday, June 27, 2008
Amish Flea Market ???
OK,there is a terrible thing happening down in the Ohio amish country. Holmes County Amish FLea Market has been taken over by non-amish people selling cheap dollar store type products from China,Japan,and Taiwan.I was a little miffed to say the least.You drive all day to get to this place, find a cop directing traffic,costs a dollar to park yet still you believe it will be worth it.It's not. I didn't find one single booth that offered goods produced in Amish country by an Amish person. Don't waste your time. Anyway,our beautiful glass percolator hit the floor and shattered after having to stop quite abruptly for a buggy in the road that you couldnt see 'till you rounded the bend so we found a real flea market and purchased a realy cool old porcelain percolator.Don't think we will be able to brake it.We drove through Ohio,Indiana and Illinois on RT 24 and saw endless beautifull big farms with meticulous yards. You gotta wonder how they have enough time to make their places so perfect. We are currently in Onawa,Iowa at the KOA. WE needed a little time to do nothing.We are headed to South Dakota in the morning. I'm excited about that because it's one of only three states I haven't been to.Hawaii and Maine are the next to be conquered.We will try to stay at a few national parks along the way including Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands. I'm also looking forward to Wall Drugs and plan on spending the day. I don't get to do much mindless shopping latley so that will be fun.See ya later
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What? No cell phone service !
Hi Everyone, we finally bugged out at 1:pm on Tuesday The 17th. We headed south on 81 to the Pa. border then took a crazy ,winding,steep kinda scary road that had no shoulers and the white line crumbling away. The dogs were a wreck,Tami was a wreck and I may have already been cured of my need to travel the back roads for a while. I will say that the Pa.northern tier is very green ,lush and overgrown. It could really use a good clipping. The trees stick out over the road so when you go around a corner it's all a guess. Another strange thing about the northern tier is that no one seems to do just one thing.Like joe's pizza or Irene's beauty salon. It's all like,Jim and Donna's family restaurant,Nail Salon and vaccuum repair.Or,Jethro's Taxidermy,Car Wash,and small engine repair. oh and everbodys lawn is chuck full of yard chatchkies. Like they try to give all the passers by a good show. maybe there is a yard chatchkie contest soon to be judged and they are all tryin' to win. We got to our first campground yesterday @ 4:pm. We are at the Penn Wood Airstream Park about an hour north of Pittsburgh. We have no cell phone service but have 60 cable tv channels ,wifi and full water and electrical hookups so we are livin' large. All this for $18.00 a day ! Some people live here all year for only $560.00 includes everything. I hope you like Tia's picture, its her new spot. The intruder alert station. We are headed to Walnut Creek, Ohio tomorrow to the Ahmish flea Market. I hope the weather holds for a few days. Sun would be good.See ya in a couple of days.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Many of you have asked where we will be going first. Well, we are heading for the pacific north west. We will be attending our very first Airstream rally in Olympia Washington, August 2-10. How we will get there is where the rock- paper- scissors comes in. Since I sit on the right, if I win we turn right. If Ricky wins we turn left.We will be trying to stay off of the main highways,mainly because we could do that in our sleep from our truck driving days. Scenic By-ways and small towns with farmers markets will be our prefered route. Monday,June 16th is finally our departure date. We are looking forward to Amish country in central Ohio an will be stocking up on whoopie pies for sure.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Hi everyone. Well, we have been out of the house now for two weeks. We are living in the Airstream but haven't gone anywhere yet. We are parked at Ricky's house in the city still. We needed time to get all of our affairs in order and do a little needed "ricky do's" around the house. The dogs are a little confused. They were haveing fun for a few days then you could tell they wanted to go home.Thank goodness for the sun this weekend.They have been able to get out a little more and are looking a bit more content.We're ready to go though.Hopefully next monday. Kiel is doing well in his new place and seems like he will be ok. at least thats what I keep telling myself.He has a great new job about 5 minutes from his new place and thats really good.He's actually doing what he went to school for and getting paid well. Imagine that! We are giving Laverne a bath this weekend and putting on all of her new stickers,thats gonna be fun. I'll send pictures.
Monday, April 28, 2008
HI EVERYONE, IF YOU CAME TO OUR YARD SALE, THANK YOU. If not, you missed Tami and Ricky looking like this. It was hot, we were tired we made alot of money,so it was worth it. The doggie dooley is still available at a low,low price of 5.00. We will be haveing yet another yard sale downtown at Rickys house in May sometime. I'll let you know and hope to see you there. Ps. if you are getting my e-mail alerting you to our blog post, please comment so I know you got it. TAMI
Thursday, April 10, 2008
SOLD !!!!!
Hi everyone. This seems to be a bitter-sweet day for us. We sold our home. We got a great price,$3000.00 over asking price. thats cool.If anyone has an interest in buying or selling or maybe knows a friend that needs a realtor please recomend Bob and Susan Acker of Sracuse realty group.They did a great job marketing our house. They have also been the best neighbors you could ask for,from the first day we moved in nine years ago and brought us otis spunkmeyer muffins and orange juice to this past year and all of the great things and gifts they brought to me.They are truley good people who will be missed.I will post a link to their website to the right so you can find them easily. SO........... this years eight annual yard sale has been turned in to a moving sale. we are shooting for sat april 19th but will postpone because the weather if necessary. We have lots of tools and "guy things" some great furniture pieces,nice mirrors and on and on.If we postpone I'll send you all a quick note, but if not we would appreciate all of your support.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Just getting started
Hi everyone. WE are setting up our new blog and hope you enjoy it . Stay tuned for fun stuff to come. We will try to blog once a week with new pictures and tales of our travels. But first, lets sell this house!!!!!!
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